Our 3 year focus runs from April 2023 to March 2026.
Here’s what you can expect to see us working towards over the next 2 years:
We will work in partnership to explore options for the Elm Grove site so that its use best meets community need.
We will explore options for developing a joint waste depot with our neighbour, Mole Valley District Council, to ensure efficient waste collection services for local residents.
We will have undertaken our digital first approach to improve processes and customer access to services.
We will have significantly progressed the Lower Green regeneration project, with the aim of increased connectivity with surrounding communities.
We will commence work on the Claygate ambition, to protect and enhance the sense of community in the Village.
We will have reviewed our approach to our Community Services offer to ensure it continues to meet local need and is financially sustainable
We will continue with our placemaking plans for Esher town centre, working with partners and engaging with the local community through consultation.
We will have completed and implemented our property asset strategy review to balance operational, strategic and financial outcomes.
Continuing to work towards ensuring our Local Plan will be in place, outlining our commitments for how the communities and places in the borough will develop.
We will have developed and implemented our new Housing and Homelessness strategy to address the housing challenges faced by our community.