There are a range of actions we will undertake, as outlined in our Vision and Delivery Plan. So many of the things which support the quality of life of our residents also rely on collaboration with other organisations such as central government, Surrey County Council, local businesses, community safety partners, NHS bodies, voluntary sector and faith organisations, as well as our communities and residents themselves.
In this Vision, we have set out what we believe is important for our residents and our future success. In doing so, we look to guide, influence and direct others that support local services in the area as to what we are aiming to achieve, so that we can work together in the same direction. For the duration of our vision, we will actively seek to nurture our connections with those who will help to achieve the best for our residents.
Our core services:
- Arts and culture
- Benefits and support
- Car parks
- Collection of council tax and business rates
- Community support and centres for the community
- Economic development
- Environmental enforcement
- Environmental health
- Green spaces
- Housing
- Licensing
- Planning
- Sports and health
- Waste collection and recycling
Surrey County Council:
- Birth, marriage and death registration
- Education
- Fire
- Highways – including on-street parking, traffic management and street lighting
- Libraries
- Culture and leisure – including archaeology, county-wide history
- Social care
- Trading standards
- Roads and transport
- Waste disposal
Other partners